Fast Fashion Facts - Think Fast, Think Again.
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That top looks like the perfect addition to your Friday night outfit… you walk over. Unbelievable! The cost is less than $20, totally worth it, right? Well, maybe not. You take the top home, wear it a hand full of times and it becomes worn out - time for a new one!  If this sounds familiar to you, you’ve been thinking fast and it’s time to think again.

Aside from the personal financial impact this continuous clothing replacement has on your wallet, buying into fast fashion may cost more than you think from an environmental, human and animal welfare standpoint.

We have all heard of fast fashion, and it’s likely you have heard of some of the dangers and disgraces of this rising industry. On some level, we are all aware of the ethical concerns surrounding this industry; however, the continued, rapid growth of fast fashion makes it easy to ask – does anyone really care? Although I often think about this, I don’t have the answer to that question; however, I can say that I care and I hope you do too!

As consumers, we have the unique ability to influence trends, industries, even politics, based on our collective spending power; therefore, I feel its important that I understand what I may be supporting with every purchase and how I can use my spending power more responsibly.

Researching Fast Fashion

 After months of extensive (overwhelming) research, I discovered that the issues within this industry run deep, from fiber production through manufacturing. Due to the density of information on this topic, I will be breaking down and presenting my research into digestible bits over the next several weeks. Today, I think the best place to start is the beginning. So, let’s dive into fast fashion by asking, how did we get here?

The Evolution of Fast Fashion

Fashion is a highly complex, 3 trillion dollar global industry that is constantly evolving to meet client and consumer demands. Years ago, people bought only what they needed and/or repaired what you already had, rotating their clothing through 2-4 annual “fashion seasons.” Today, according to the Foundation for Economic Education, the fashion industry calendar includes 52 micro-seasons annually, the system is designed to make consumers feel “off trend” approximately every two weeks. Many companies operate with a two week turn around from design to shelf at your local retailer.1 With demand and competition so fierce, manufacturers are looking for ANY way to drive down production costs, drive up sales, produce more, and produce quicker; resulting in many cut corners within the industry.

The “cut corners” that bring a fabulous new blouse to market are often made at the expense of human, environmental and animal welfare. Thankfully, advocacy groups are beginning to shed light on the less glamorous side of fashion, prompting consumers to demand differently and reshape the industry for the better. Although change is coming slowly from a public policy level, it is important for us, as consumers, to understand what we can do to make a fashionable statement against these injustices.  

Major Issues Within Fast Fashion

Over the next several weeks we will be unraveling the major issues within fast fashion. These issues include:

  • Social Injustices

  • Human Rights Violations

  • Human Health and Safety

  • Environmental Health and Safety

  • Animal cruelty

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1. Foundation for Economic Education. July 07, 2017, Fast Fashion Has Changed the Industry and the Economy, viewed 6 August 2018,